After achieving youthful acclaim in Washington, and making a successful move to New York fronting (at first) small groups, Duke Ellington entered the 1930s with an expanded line-up and an increasingly creative approach to composing. Weekly radio broadcasts and swank guests in the audience spread the word; Hollywood noticed his marquee smile and musical brilliance; and the orchestra began touring extensively, including trips to Europe. His fame and popularity were on the rise.
But more importantly, Ellington entered the '30s having perfected his method of using the group to experiment with arranging and orchestrating. Ensconced at the Cotton Club in New York at the end of the previous decade, Ellington catered to a lot of musical interests and needs - he played for the dancers, and for the jazz lovers. He relied on ideas from his musicians, and wrote for them as individuals rather than as anonymous section players. With all that work and a line-up of marvelous, distinctive musical voices, Ellington began the most creative period of his life.
"Sophisticated Lady." "Stormy Weather." "Solitude." "In a Sentimental Mood." "Echoes of Harlem." "Caravan." All of them and many more are a part of "The Complete 1932-1940 Brunswick, Columbia, and Master Recordings of Duke Ellington and His Famous Orchestra," an unprecedented 11-CD set that compiles these recordings for the first, and quite possibly the last, time. There would be many more exceptional compositions in the years following, including his highly regarded suites and longer works, but the scope of our latest, lavish Mosaic collection is the period when Ellington would establish himself as the most important composer ever in jazz.
1. Moon Over Dixie (A) 2:54
(D. Ellington-T. Koehler)
2. It Don’t Mean A Thing (If It Ain’t Got That Swing) (A) 3:07
(D. Ellington-I. Mills)
3. Lazy Rhapsody (A) 3:12
4. Blue Tune (B) 3:06
(Duke Ellington)
5. Baby When You Ain’t There (B) 2:39
(D. Ellington-M. Parish)
6. St. Louis Blues (C) 4:25
(W.C. Handy)
7. Creole Love Call (C) 4:04
(Duke Ellington)
8. Rose Room (C) 2:57
(A. Hickman-H. Williams)
9. Blue Harlem (D) 2:48
(Duke Ellington)
10. The Sheik Of Araby (D) 2:54
(H. Smith-T. Snyder)
11. Swampy River (E) 2:53
(Duke Ellington)
12. Fast And Furious (E) 2:45
(D. Ellington-H. Potter)
13. Best Wishes (E) 3:07
(D. Ellington-T. Koehler)
14. Slippery Horn (F) 3:10
(Duke Ellington)
15. Blue Ramble (F) 3:08
(Duke Ellington)
16. Clouds In My Heart (F) 3:00
17. Lazy Rhapsody (alt.tk -B) (A) 3:09
18. Blue Tune (alt.tk -B) (B) 3:04
(Duke Ellington)
19. St. Louis Blues (alt.tk -A) (C) 4:25
(W.C. Handy)
20. Creole Love Call (alt.tk -B) (C) 4:06
(Duke Ellington)
21. Best Wishes (alt.tk -A) (E) 3:06
(D. Ellington-T. Koehler)
22. Blue Ramble (alt.tk -B) (F) 3:11
(Duke Ellington)
23. Clouds In My Heart (alt.tk -A) (F) 3:04
1. Blue Mood (G) 2:50
(D. Ellington-J. Hodges)
2. Ducky Wucky (G) 3:00
(D. Ellington-B. Bigard)
3. Jazz Cocktail (H) 3:06
(Benny Carter)
4. Lightnin’ (H) 3:03
(Duke Ellington)
5. Stars (I) 3:02
(Kaye Parker)
6. Swing Low (I) 2:36
(D. Ellington-F. Jenkins)
7. I Must Have That Man! (alt.tk -A) (J) 2:57
(D. Fields-J. McHugh)
8. Baby! (alt.tk -A) (J) 3:03
(D. Fields-J. McHugh)
9. Any Time, Any Day, Any Where (J) 2:47
10. Delta Bound (J) 2:49
(Alex Hill)
11. Blue Mood (alt.tk -C) (G) 2:48
(D. Ellington-J. Hodges)
12. Blue Mood (alt.tk -B) (G) 2:48
(D. Ellington-J. Hodges)
13. Ducky Wucky (alt.tk -B) (G) 2:58
(D. Ellington-B. Bigard)
14. Jazz Cocktail (alt.tk -B) (H) 3:09
(Benny Carter)
15. Lightnin’ (alt.tk -B) (H) 3:05
(Duke Ellington)
16. Stars (alt.tk -B) (I) 3:01
(Kaye Parker)
17. Swing Low (alt.tk -B) (I) 2:37
(D. Ellington-F. Jenkins)
18. I Must Have That Man! (alt.tk -B) (J) 3:03
(D. Fields-J. McHugh)
19. Baby! (alt.tk -B) (J) 3:05
(D. Fields-J. McHugh)
20. Any Time, Any Day, Any Where (alt.tk -B) (J) 2:48
21. Delta Bound (alt.tk -B) (J) 2:57
(Alex Hill)
1. Diga Diga Do (K) 3:01
(D. Fields-J. McHugh)
2. I Can't Give You Anything But Love (K) 3:03
(D. Fields-J. McHugh)
3. Porgy (K) 3:07
(D. Fields-J. McHugh)
4. I Must Have That Man! (master take -C) (L) 3:01
(D. Fields-J. McHugh)
5. Baby! (master take -C) (L) 3:03
(D. Fields-J. McHugh)
6. Eerie Moan (L) 3:05
(V. Young-L. Wiley)
7. Merry-Go-Round (matrix W265049) (M) 2:47
(Duke Ellington)
8. Sophisticated Lady (M) 3:38
9. I've Got The World On A String (M) 3:18
(H. Arlen-T. Koehler)
10. Down A Carolina Lane (N) 3:03
(M. Parish-F. Perkins)
11. Diga Diga Do (alt.tk -B) (K) 3:02
(D. Fields-J. McHugh)
12. I Can't Give You Anything But Love (alt.tk -B) (K) 3:06
(D. Fields-J. McHugh)
13. Porgy (alt.tk -C) (K) 3:04
(D. Fields-J. McHugh)
14. Porgy (alt.tk -B) (K) 3:07
(D. Fields-J. McHugh)
15. I Must Have That Man! (alt.tk -D) (L) 2:50
(D. Fields-J. McHugh)
16. Baby! (alt.tk -D) (L) 2:58
(D. Fields-J. McHugh)
17. Eerie Moan (alt.tk -B) (L) 3:04
(V. Young-L. Wiley)
18. Merry-Go-Round (matrix W265049 alt tk. -2) (M) 2:49
(Duke Ellington)
19. Sophisticated Lady (alt.tk -1) (M) 3:39
1. Slippery Horn (O) 2:59
(Duke Ellington)
2. Blackbird Medley (Part I) (O) 3:01
I Can't Give You Anything But Love
Doin’ The New Low Down
I Must Have That Man!
(D. Fields-J. McHugh)
3. Blackbird Medley (Part II) (O) 3:01
Diga Diga Do
I Can't Give You Anything But Love
(D. Fields-J. McHugh)
4. Drop Me Off At Harlem (O) 2:58
(D. Ellington-N. Kenny)
5. Happy As The Day Is Long (P) 2:56
(H. Arlen-T. Koehler)
6. Raisin’ The Rent (P) 2:37
(H. Arlen-T. Koehler)
7. Get Yourself A New Broom (And Sweep The Blues Away) (P) 2:47
(H. Arlen-T. Koehler)
8. Bundle Of Blues (Q) 3:06
(Duke Ellington)
9. Sophisticated Lady (Q) 3:09
10. Stormy Weather (Q) 2:58
(H. Arlen-T. Koehler)
11. I’m Satisfied (R) 3:01
(D. Ellington-M. Parish)
12. Jive Stomp (R) 2:43
(Duke Ellington)
13. Harlem Speaks (R) 3:04
(Duke Ellington)
14. In The Shade Of The Old Apple Tree (R) 3:07
(E. Van Alstyne-H. Williams)
15. Solitude (S) 3:07
16. Saddest Tale (S) 3:13
(Duke Ellington)
17. Moonglow (S) 3:01
18. Sump’n ‘Bout Rhythm (S) 2:33
19. Slippery Horn (alt.tk -B) (O) 2:58
(Duke Ellington)
20. Blackbird Medley (Part I) (alt.tk -B) (O) 3:01
I Can't Give You Anything But Love
Doin’ The New Low Down
I Must Have That Man!
(D. Fields-J. McHugh)
21. Blackbird Medley (Part II) (alt.tk -C) (O) 3:04
Diga Diga Do
I Can't Give You Anything But Love
(D. Fields-J. McHugh)
22. Blackbird Medley (Part II) (alt.tk -B) (O) 3:03
- Dixie
- Diga Diga Do
- Porgy
- I Can't Give You Anything But Love
23. Drop Me Off At Harlem (alt.tk -B) (O) 2:37
(D. Ellington-N. Kenny)
24. Bundle Of Blues (alt tk.-B) (Q) 3:04
(Duke Ellington)
25. Jive Stomp (alt tk.-B) (R) 2:29
(Duke Ellington)
1. Admiration (matrix C883) (T) 2:38
(J. Tizol-I. Mills)
2. Farewell Blues (T) 2:26
3. Let’s Have A Jubilee (T) 2:53
(A. Hill-I. Mills)
4. Porto Rican Chaos (Moonlight Fiesta) (alt tk. matrix C886-2) (T) 2:57
(J. Tizol-I. Mills)
5. Margie (U) 2:55
6. Porto Rican Chaos (Moonlight Fiesta) (master take B16974-1) (U) 2:49
(J. Tizol-I. Mills)
7. In A Sentimental Mood (V) 3:11
8. Showboat Shuffle (V) 2:56
(Duke Ellington)
9. Merry-Go-Round (matrix B17408) (V) 2:53
(D. Ellington-I. Mills)
10. Admiration (matrix B17409) (V) 2:49
(J. Tizol-I. Mills)
11. Cotton (W) 3:03
(R. Bloom-T. Koehler)
12. Truckin’ (W) 2:57
(R. Bloom-T. Koehler)
13. Accent On Youth (W) 3:03
(T. Seymour-V. Lawnhurst)
14. Reminiscing In Tempo (Part 1) (X) 3:20
(Duke Ellington)
15. Reminiscing In Tempo (Part 2) (X) 3:11
(Duke Ellington)
16. Reminiscing In Tempo (Part 3) (X) 3:12
(Duke Ellington)
17. Reminiscing In Tempo (Part 4) (X) 3:10
(Duke Ellington)
18. I Don’t Know Why I Love You So (Y) 3:02
(D. Ellington-I. Mills)
19. Dinah Lou (Y) 2:26
20. Isn’t Love The Strangest Thing? (Z) 3:07
(J. Coots-B. Davis)
21. (There Is) No Greater Love (Z) 3:08
(I. Jones-M. Symes)
22. Clarinet Lament (Z) 3:10
(D. Ellington-B. Bigard)
23. Echoes Of Harlem (Z) 3:02
(Duke Ellington)
24. Porto Rican Chaos (Moonlight Fiesta) (alt tk. matrix B16974-2) (U) 2:44
(J. Tizol-I. Mills)
25. I Don’t Know Why I Love You So (alt tk. -2) (Y) 3:03
(Duke Ellington)
26. Dinah Lou (alt tk. -3) (Y) 2:30
1. Love Is Like A Cigarette (AA) 3:02
2. Kissin’ My Baby Good-Night (AA) 3:17
3. Oh, Babe! Maybe Someday (AA) 2:48
(Duke Ellington)
4. Shoe Shine Boy (BB) 3:11
(S. Cahn-S. Chaplin)
5. It Was A Sad Night In Harlem (BB) 3:03
(A. Lewis-H. Kresa)
6. Trumpet In Spades (BB) 3:06
(Duke Ellington)
7. Yearning For Love (BB) 2:53
8. In A Jam (CC) 2:56
(Duke Ellington)
9. Exposition Swing (CC) 3:10
(Duke Ellington)
10. Uptown Downbeat (Blackout) (CC) 3:22
(Duke Ellington)
11. Scattin’ At The Cotton Club (Scattin’ At The Kit Kat) (DD) 3:12
(D. Ellington-I. Mills)
12. Black Butterfly (DD) 3:06
13. The New Birmingham Breakdown (EE) 2:46
(Duke Ellington)
14. Scattin’ At The Kit Kat (Scattin’ At The Cotton Club) (EE) 2:42
(D. Ellington-I. Mills)
15. I’ve Got To Be A Rug Cutter (EE) 2:32
(Duke Ellington)
16. The New East St. Louis Toodle-O (EE) 2:57
(D. Ellington-B. Miley)
17. Exposition Swing (alt tk. -2) (CC) 3:11
(Duke Ellington)
18. Black Butterfly (alt tk. -2) (DD) 3:10
19. The New Birmingham Breakdown (alt tk. -2) (EE) 2:45
(Duke Ellington)
20. Scattin’ At The Kit Kat (Scattin’ At The Cotton Club) (alt tk. -2) (EE) 2:45
(D. Ellington-I. Mills)
21. I’ve Got To Be A Rug Cutter (alt tk. -2) (EE) 2:33
(Duke Ellington)
22. The New East St. Louis Toodle-O (alt tk. -2) (EE) 2:58
(D. Ellington-B. Miley)
DISC VII (Session JJ is continued on Disc VIII)
1. There’s A Lull In My Life (FF) 2:56
(M. Gordon-H. Revel)
2. It’s Swell Of You (FF) 2:42
(M. Gordon-H. Revel)
3. You Can’t Run Away From Love Tonight (FF) 2:35
(H. Warren-A. Dubin)
4. Azure (GG) 3:00
(D. Ellington-I. Mills)
5. The Lady Who Couldn’t Be Kissed (GG) 2:40
(H. Warren-A. Dubin)
6. Old Plantation (GG) 2:48
(J. Redmond-L. David)
7. Caravan (HH) 2:37
8. Azure (HH) 3:11
(D. Ellington-I. Mills)
9. All God’s Chillun Got Rhythm (II) 2:41
10. All God’s Chillun Got Rhythm (matrix M520) (II) 2:23
11. Alabamy Home (II) 2:40
(D. Ellington-D. Ringle)
12. Chatter-Box (Jumpy) (JJ) 2:43
13. Jubilesta (JJ) 2:51
14. There’s A Lull In My Life (alt tk. -2) (FF) 2:53
(M. Gordon-H. Revel)
15. It’s Swell Of You (alt tk. -2) (FF) 2:45
(M. Gordon-H. Revel)
16. You Can’t Run Away From Love Tonight (alt tk. -2) (FF) 2:34
(H. Warren-A. Dubin)
17. Azure (alt tk.-2) (GG) 2:55
(D. Ellington-I. Mills)
18. Old Plantation (alt tk.-2) (GG) 2:53
(J. Redmond-L. David)
19. All God’s Chillun Got Rhythm (matrix M519 alt tk.-2) (II) 2:42
20. All God’s Chillun Got Rhythm (matrix M520 alt tk.-2) (II) 2:21
21. Alabamy Home (alt tk.-2) (II) 2:41
(D. Ellington-D. Ringle)
1. Diminuendo In Blue (JJ) 2:44
(Duke Ellington)
2. Crescendo In Blue (JJ) 3:13
(Duke Ellington)
3. Harmony In Harlem (JJ) 3:05
4. Dusk On The Desert (JJ) 3:04
(D. Ellington-I. Mills)
5. Stepping Into Swing Society (KK) 3:04
6. Prologue To Black And Tan Fantasy (KK) 2:34
(D. Ellington-B. Miley)
7. The New Black And Tan Fantasy (KK) 2:40
(D. Ellington-B. Miley)
8. Riding On A Blue Note (LL) 2:46
9. Lost In Meditation (LL) 2:55
10. The Gal From Joe’s (LL) 2:55
(D. Ellington-I. Mills)
11. If You Were In My Place (What Would You Do)? (MM) 2:52
12. Skrontch (Scrounch) (MM) 2:41
13. I Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart (NN) 3:06
14. Braggin’ In Brass (NN) 2:43
15. Carnival In Caroline (NN) 2:26
16. Diminuendo In Blue (alt tk. -2) (JJ) 2:36
(Duke Ellington)
17. Crescendo In Blue (alt tk. -2) (JJ) 3:11
(Duke Ellington)
18. Harmony In Harlem (alt tk. -X) (JJ) 3:06
19. Harmony In Harlem (alt tk. -1) (JJ) 2:59
20. Dusk On The Desert (alt tk. -1) (JJ) 3:13
(D. Ellington-I. Mills)
21. Riding On A Blue Note (alt tk. -2) (LL) 2:48
22. The Gal From Joe’s (alt tk. -2) (LL) 3:07
(D. Ellington-I. Mills)
23. If You Were In My Place (What Would You Do)? (alt tk. -1) (MM) 2:52
24. Skrontch (Scrounch) (alt tk. -1) (MM) 2:41
25. I Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart (alt tk. -1) (NN) 3:08
26. Braggin’ In Brass (alt tk. -2) (NN) 2:46
1. Swingtime In Honolulu (OO) 2:53
2. I’m Slappin’ Seventh Avenue (With The Sole Of My Shoe) (OO) 2:36
3. Dinah’s In A Jam (OO) 2:50
(D. Ellington-I. Mills)
4. When My Sugar Walks Down The Street
(All The Little Birdies Go Tweet-Tweet-Tweet) (PP) 2:38
5. You Gave Me The Gate (And I’m Swingin’) (PP) 2:21
6. Rose Of The Rio Grande (PP) 2:59
7. Pyramid (PP) 2:54
8. The Stevedore’s Serenade (QQ) 2:45
9. La De Doody Doo (QQ) 2:26
10. Watermelon Man (QQ) 2:34
(Duke Ellington)
11. (A) Gypsy Without A Song (QQ) 2:56
12. A Blues Serenade (RR) 2:20
13. Love In Swingtime (RR) 2:34
14. Please Forgive Me (RR) 2:59
15. Lambeth Walk (SS) 2:25
(D. Furber-N. Gay)
16. Prelude To A Kiss (SS) 2:58
17. Hip Chic (SS) 2:53
(Duke Ellington)
18. Buffet Flat (SS) 2:25
(Duke Ellington)
19. Twits And Twerps (Boy Meets Horn) (matrix M898-1) (TT) 2:41
(D. Ellington-R. Stewart)
20. Mighty Like The Blues (TT) 2:36
(Leonard Feather)
21. Rose Of The Rio Grande (alt tk. -2) (PP) 2:56
22. Pyramid (alt tk. -2) (PP) 2:50
23. Prelude To A Kiss (alt tk. -2) (SS) 2:56
24. Twits And Twerps (Boy Meets Horn) (matrix M898-2) (TT) 2:44
(D. Ellington-R. Stewart)
25. Mighty Like The Blues (alt tk. -1) (TT) 2:38
(Leonard Feather)
1. Jazz Potpurri (UU) 2:56
(Duke Ellington)
2. T.T. On Toast (Lady In Doubt) (UU) 2:49
(Duke Ellington)
3. Battle Of Swing (UU) 2:57
(Duke Ellington)
4. Old King Dooji (VV) 2:30
(Duke Ellington)
5. Boy Meets Horn (Twits And Twerps) (VV) 3:00
(D. Ellington-R. Stewart)
6. Slap Happy (VV) 2:44
(Duke Ellington)
7. Pussy Willow (WW) 2:40
(Duke Ellington)
8. Subtle Lament (WW) 3:01
(Duke Ellington)
9. Lady In Blue (WW) 2:52
(Duke Ellington)
10. Smorgasbord And Schnapps (WW) 2:38
11. Portrait Of The Lion (XX) 2:26
(Duke Ellington)
12. (I Want) Something To Live For (XX) 2:51
(D. Ellington-B. Strayhorn)
13. Solid Old Man (XX) 2:39
(Duke Ellington)
14. T.T. On Toast (Lady In Doubt) (alt tk. -2) (UU) 2:47
(Duke Ellington)
15. Battle Of Swing (alt tk. -1) (UU) 2:55
(Duke Ellington)
16. Slap Happy (alt tk. -2) (VV) 2:44
(Duke Ellington)
17. Subtle Lament (alt tk. -X) (WW) 3:14
(Duke Ellington)
18. Lady In Blue (alt tk. -X) (WW) 3:12
(Duke Ellington)
19. Portrait Of The Lion (alt tk. -2) (XX) 2:35
(Duke Ellington)
1. Cotton Club Stomp (YY) 2:50
2. Doin’ The Voom Voom (YY) 2:40
(D. Ellington-B. Miley)
3. Way Low (YY) 3:28
(Duke Ellington)
4. Serenade To Sweden (YY) 3:20
(Duke Ellington)
5. In A Mizz (ZZ) 3:06
(H. Johnson-C. Barnet)
6. I’m Checkin’ Out-Go’om Bye (ZZ) 2:26
(D. Ellington-B. Strayhorn)
7. A Lonely Co-Ed (ZZ) 3:17
(Duke Ellington)
8. You Can Count On Me (ZZ) 2:54
(R. Maxwell-J. Myrow)
9. Bouncing Buoyancy (AAA) 2:41
(Duke Ellington)
10. The Sergeant Was Shy (AAA) 2:42
(Duke Ellington)
11. Grievin’ (matrix WM 1064) (AAA) 3:36
(D. Ellington-B. Strayhorn)
12. Little Posey (BBB) 2:39
(Duke Ellington)
13. I Never Felt This Way Before (BBB) 2:58
(D. Ellington-A. Dubin)
14. Grievin’ (matrix WM 1093) (BBB) 2:50
(D. Ellington-B. Strayhorn)
15. Tootin’ Through The Roof (BBB) 2:53
(Duke Ellington)
16. Weely (BBB) 2:57
(Duke Ellington)
17. Your Love Has Faded (CCC) 2:52
(D. Ellington-B. Strayhorn)
18. Killin’ Myself (CCC) 2:26
(Duke Ellington)
19. Country Gal (CCC) 2:55
(Duke Ellington)
20. Solitude (DDD) 2:58
21. Stormy Weather (DDD) 2:33
(H. Arlen-T. Koehler)
22. Mood Indigo (DDD) 2:42
(D. Ellington-B. Bigard)
23. Sophisticated Lady (DDD) 2:49
24. I Never Felt This Way Before (alt tk.-B) (BBB) 3:01
(Duke Ellington)
25. Tootin’ Through The Roof (alt tk.-B) (BBB) 2:54
(Duke Ellington)