John Scofield & Pat Metheny - I Can See Your House From Here (1994~2014, 2LP) [FLAC]


Guitar wizards John Scofield and Pat Metheny have consistently made commercially successful, accessible music while remaining true to their improvisational leanings. It's no surprise that their collaboration sounds so relaxed, fluid, and musically serene. Listeners shouldn't necessarily expect a series of slashing duels, but it's certainly not vapid new age or retrograde fusion. Scofield and Metheny divide compositional duties and play masterful, expressive solos. Guitar fans will be especially impressed with the mastering, which makes Scofield and Metheny's guitars sound right in the room. Even those who don't like sessions without horns, brass, or keyboards shouldn't spurn this one; it still has plenty of muscle. 

  • John Scofield - electric & steel-string acoustic guitars (all on the left stereo channel)
  • Pat Metheny - electric & nylon-string acoustic guitars, guitar synthesizer (all on the right stereo channel)
  • Steve Swallow - acoustic & electric bass guitars
  • Bill Stewart - drums


Side 1
A1 - I Can See Your House From Here (Scofield) - 7:43
A2 - The Red One (Metheny) - 4:17
A3 - No Matter What (Scofield) - 7:14

Side 2
B1 - Everybody's Party (Scofield) - 6:15
B2 - Message To My Friend (Metheny) - 6:09
B3 - No Way Jose (Scofield) - 7:18


Side 3
C1 - Say The Brother's Name (Metheny) - 7:18
C2 - S.C.O. (Metheny) - 4:41
C3 - Quite Rising (Metheny) - 5:26

Side 4
D1 - One Way To Be (Scofield) - 5:45
D2 - You Speak My Language (Scofield) - 6:57